Well, that weather stuff got out of hand, didn't it? Cold, freezing rain, power outages, water main breaks causing boil orders, no internet, no gasoline and shortages in the stores.
Texans bounced back. The boil order was lifted this morning (Saturday, a week later) and there are no significant power outages. Let the finger-pointing begin.
My opinion, that's what this blog is about, right?, is that the power issue goes back to Three Mile Island. In writing to Jerry this morning, it dawned on me that it happened in 1979, right at the beginning of the 24-hour news cycle. They jumped on that wagon. The longitudinal health effects study was discontinued after it was discovered there were no health problems caused by TMI. Likewise, the lawsuit was thrown out of court in Harrisburg, PA. Meanwhile, the American nuclear industry died. We are so far behind France and Japan that it may take forever to catch up.
Another meanwhile--Germany is negotiating with France to get some of its (France's) nuclear-generated power because their solar panels are coated with snow. The US Navy has been operating nuclear-powered vessels for 60 years without a nuclear accident although the Soviets have had plenty.
C'mon man, to quote our linguistically and cognitively challenged President. Are we such sissies about a bit of cold weather? A term that we have been throwing around a lot, "first world problems."
Let's launch off into the land of energy managed by politicians. Yeah, that's the ticket.