Thursday, September 29, 2022



There are currently 11.2 million job openings, about 2 for every unemployed person in the US.

There have been 2 million illegal immigrants so far this year, far surpassing any prior year. Are they employed? Are they collecting unemployment benefits? Not likely as they are “undocumented” as the liberals like to say.

The narrative of the legacy news media and the US government has so many holes it is making it very difficult to believe anything.

The focus is on unemployment claims, but it seems that we are looking in the wrong place.

Something is just not adding up.

Friday, September 23, 2022



I wonder… 

Why is there no proposed legislation that would encourage dads in the home? The Great Society did a great job eliminating two-parent black families, let’s restore them. Even Obama knew that children raised with men in the home fared better.

I wonder…

And this one is just preposterous, why there is no real investigation into the BIG MONEY that seems suspicious with Hunter Biden’s imprimatur.

I wonder…

Why nobody seems to be interested in the precipitous, unprecedented drop in the life expectancy in the US from 79 in 2019 to 76 now. Lots of unexplained deaths among working age, seemingly health folks.

I wonder…

Why the left’s insistence upon judging events based on race isn’t considered racist. Like finding a judge who is a black female. Every place else in our society, that kind of selection is prohibited.

I wonder…

Why don’t feminists concern themselves with the treatment of women in Iran, Syria and other Muslim countries?

I wonder…

Actions on his first day in office (like taking aim at coal, oil and natural gas industries) seemed to intentionally try to destroy not only our economy but our way of life. And it’s working. Why doesn’t anyone care?

Just some things that I wonder about.

Monday, September 12, 2022



Scott Frost’s trajectory from the heights to his firing reminds one of a Greek tragedy, replete with the chorus chanting his virtues.

He presents himself as a really nice guy who got sucked up by this machine we call Major College Football. Lots of money, lots or scrutiny and the inevitable requirement to win.

Let’s step back a bit. Scott Frost’s parents were athletes, his dad played at the University and I played softball against him “back in the day.” I have often told the story about how we had him trapped between second and third, we were performing the run-down play and all of a sudden, he was on third. He had that exceptional athletic skill, like his son. His mother was an Olympic athlete, discus as I recall. Then they returned to small-town Nebraska, coached football and raised their son.

Another big-time football coach has ties to Nebraska, specifically Genoa—Lane Kiffin. His mother was a year older than me and lived with her grandmother in Genoa for a while. When we were in the eighth grade or so, she threw a birthday party that remains in my memory, vividly. She was so pretty. Anyway, left Genoa, married Monte Kiffin and their son Lane has made quite a name for himself. Kevin ran into them in Florida and they were thrilled to meet someone from Genoa.

I compare the two, Scott and Lane. Both have been through the meatgrinder. I’m going to predict that Scott will do just fine, maybe return to the mayhem of football, maybe retire to small-town Nebraska and coach some football.

Think about how different the world looked this morning when he awoke and realized he didn’t have a job to go to.