Thursday, January 10, 2019


Nudist Restaurant…and walls.

“We will remember only the good moments.”

The Daily Skimm reports that the only nudist restaurant in Paris is closing because who wants to eat in a restaurant full of naked people. The answer: apparently no one.

NOTE TO SELF: ask that question ahead of time?

On a far distant note: Senators Schumer and Pelosi (also Clinton) voted in favor of the 2006 Secure Fence Act. $50 Billion. It passed 80-19 and President Bush signed it. Later amended to remove parts of the second fence, apparently the money was squandered spent.

The obvious question for any American is how people can be so untruthful and disingenuous? But another question—one of the “truth” websites rates this “half true.” Why? Because the bill was passed in a pressure environment where it was the lesser of two evils. Like today isn’t a bit pressured?

Does that fit Rep. Ocasio-Cortez’s (AOC) “morally right” agenda? Sorry, girl, what you may consider morally right (stoning someone? Killing anyone who doesn’t believe in the Koran?) isn’t a good guide, especially since that has changed and been debated over and over for centuries by every culture.

Slavery was considered not only an economic necessity but morally right a while back. There were 380,000 Africans captured and imported to the US. There were 4 million sent to Brazil. Of course, the sugar plantations needed lots of them since about 10% died every year due to the heat and the work.

AOC apparently learned very little during her education.

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