Tuesday, February 19, 2019


The little Mars rover, Opportunity, designed to operate for about 90 days, continued through skill and determination on the part of the operators and the engineering built into her for nearly 15 years.

But a dust storm evidently got her. Her last words, “My battery is low and it is getting dark.”

Remarkable work.

As the years pass by, those words apply to some of us.

POST SCRIPT, August 2020: I just discovered that Snopes labeled this communication from Oppy as "False." Seems that it came through the space from the planet Mars as a bunch of pluses and minuses and was then translated into a bunch of data. The little lady didn't actually speak in a voice and say those exact words, instead the words are the human interpretation of her data. Did anyone actually think she spoke those exact words? Snopes can be pretty dense sometimes.

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