Friday, February 18, 2022


 What a lovely city, amazing history and now it is in the hands of people who seem to want to destroy it.

When Linda worked in the city, it was starting—she would walk from the train to work and had to dodge human excrement and all the homeless, but it was minimal compared to now. But I want to talk about the school board.

Three members of the school board were recalled in a recent election and blamed it on “white supremacy.” Facts do not, of course, support such a claim, but let’s see why voters really told them to hit the road:

1.       The school board was in the process of changing the names of 44 schools named after historical and current figures who did not meet their standards. Among them were these “inappropriate” names of schools:

a.       Paul Revere

b.       George Washington

c.       Abraham Lincoln

d.       Alamo

e.       Thomas Jefferson

f.        Daniel Webster

g.       Diane Feinstein

h.       John Muir, the environmentalist

The reasoning—fight for racial justice

2.       The premier school in the city will no longer select students based on merit. Lowell High School will get students in a lottery

3.       San Francisco schools have been closed longer than just about any other city

4.       Rampant anti-Asian prejudice

Was it the white supremacists? They had probably left the city years ago, but what really happened was that the Chinese vote turned out in record numbers and the non-citizen voters (yeah, non-citizens have voted in San Francisco for many years…go figure) were not the dependable Democratic voters that they have been historically. This is too weird for even them!

The black female mayor supported ouster of those goof balls.

All I’m saying is that the people in this country need to wake up and vote. Otherwise, we will all be governed by inept, evil people like were taken down in San Francisco with this recall election.

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