Thursday, July 26, 2018


If I were the evil empire, I would try to deflect attention. Like make people think that Russian is the enemy.

Well, Russia is AN enemy...but let's take a look:

  • Russia is not the USSR
  • They have less than 150 million people
  • China has ten (think about it) ten times as many people
  • Russia has a social problem, it has 11 million more women than men
  • Why? Because the men are alcoholic and die early
  • China has paid attention to infra-structure for decades
Sure, Russia is a nuclear power, but they are the paper tiger that Khrushchev called us. They do not have the power they once had, regardless of their lawless acquisition of part of Ukraine.

President Trump is an expert at deflection. He uses it all the time, so he recognizes it when he sees it. The press, bless their pointed heads, is just not very bright.

Who is the "evil empire" in this scenario? I don't think there is one. The Chinese are the logical target, but they have thousands of years of experience behind them and they are not going to act like rookies in this. 

I don't think there is one, unless it is ourselves. Looking at the current landscape, it is hard to decide if we aren't our own best enemies?

Trump can behave poorly. Call me Mr. Obviousman. When I was in the Army, we used to discuss the mistake of "stepping on our own unit." As painful as that could be, it is common, and it is something that Trump may accomplish. Hope not.

Let's keep our vision, voters. The Libtards will be out in force!! Don't let the media push us around.



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