Friday, December 24, 2021


 Elizabeth Warren made news this week. That was her goal, apparently, because what she said made no sense:

1.    She said Elon Musk did not pay his fair share of taxes. Musk paid about half a billion and seriously disputes her claim. Facts don't matter.

2.    Grocery stores are responsible for the increase in prices on food. That is akin to blaming the thermometer for the temperature.

She has a net worth of about $9 million. Did that come from her Senatorial salary?

I don't know why the press pays attention to her.

Sunday, December 19, 2021


When Jimmy Carter was President of the United States, you could buy a very nice new car for $5,500. That was up from $3,500 in 1972, four years before he won the election.

Going into 2022, the price of an average new car is about $45,000. Let’s make this simple for those of us who are thinking in terms of multiples--$4,500 to $45,000…10 times.

Meanwhile back in 1977-1981, the highest taxes for my clients who were high income, like physicians, was 70%. Interest rates hit 21% or more, inflation was even more than it is today, Americans were held hostage in Iraq, farmers were going broke (Willie Nelson started Farm Aid in 1985) and Jimmy Carter was bewildered. No idea what to do to make things better. 

That has, until now, earned him the title of worst American president.

An opinion on this stuff is like belly buttons, everyone has one, but think of the world to come—an average car will cost 10 times as much, say $450,000? Interest rates are low, so the inflation damage hurts retirees, those on fixed income and people with cash investments disproportionately. Instead of $10,000 an acre, Nebraska farm land will sell for $100,000 per acre. Our good friend Butch Shadbolt said that he never bought a piece of land that would “pencil out,” you had to believe in inflation.

Make your own conclusions about residential real estate and the stock market, not going there.

The real kicker is that with all the similarities to the late 1970’s and early 1980’s, the current president and his administration are bewildered. No clue what to do about 2 million illegal immigrants into South Texas. Maybe call them “undocumented” and that will help? No idea what to do about lawlessness in San Francisco (the DA will not prosecute for looting and shop lifting, so people grab a TV and run), Portland, Chicago, Baltimore…and so on.

My guess is that Jimmy Carter’s title of worst president is in jeopardy.

Sunday, December 12, 2021


My dad, Wally, would scoot his chair back and light up either a cigarette or a cigar, depending, to officially call an end to supper. It was after milking, so maybe 7:30 or 8:00. Time for a story.

He enjoyed telling stories that amused him which would, in turn, amuse me as the youngest member of the family. One of my favorites, first heard perhaps 70 years ago, was about a trip that ended safely at home on the farm, but had a stop in Bartlett, Nebraska, a small village of about 100+ residents on the edge of the Sandhills. Cattle country.

Wally and a couple of friends had been to the cattle sale barn in Burwell. They were on the hunt for steers to fill out their lots, had done well and were on their way home in the evening when they decided to stop at the bar in Bartlett to grab a few beers and maybe a cigar or two.

Bartlett was off the highway and as I remember did not have a paved main street. They headed west, the bar proved to be on the south side of the street, and without really considering alternatives, Wally turned across the street in the middle of the block and diagonally parked in front of the bar. Upon getting out of the car, they were greeted by an old pickup with a flashing red light and out of it got a Santa Claus-shaped lawman wearing a cowboy hat, bib overalls with a star pinned to the bib. He seemed upset.

“What you boys doin’?”

“We just stopped to get some beer and cigars.”

“You know you made an illegal turn to park?”

“Well, I didn’t think there was any harm and it was the quickest way.”

“Sure, the quickest way, but illegal. Where the hell you think you are, OUT IN THE COUNTRY?”

Every time he told that story, he would repeat the punch line, “…Out in the country?” in grand amusement.

Somehow, he escaped a ticket, but gained a favorite story. If you have a chance, visit Bartlett and see if they have paved main street and whether it really isn’t “Out in the country”.

Sunday, November 7, 2021


 A new meme claims that there is as much CO2 released making one battery for an electric car as a gas-powered car emits in 8 years of driving.

The libs scream "False." Apparently, it is only equal to 2 years of emissions. That is like saying he is "mostly dead."

Do they realize the damage to the environment from the mining of lithium? 

When you are self-righteous, it doesn't matter, I guess.

Monday, October 18, 2021




President Biden has nominated Saule Omarova, a graduate of Moscow State University in Russia, author of her thesis on Marxism to be the top regulator of the US banks and financial system.

She is an avowed opponent of big banks and wants to destroy “banking as we know it” to be replaced by a federal system.

She refuses to hand over her writings, as required by the Senate committee for all other nominees, complaining that she is an “easy target” because she is female and a minority.

Biden’s Pick For Top Banking Regulator Refuses To Hand Over Thesis On Marxism | The Daily Caller

Can you believe it?

Saturday, October 16, 2021



COVID is a serious illness, it should have and continues to require serious responses on the part of individuals and governments.

However, please keep things in perspective: the “Age-adjusted death rate per 100,000 people” in 2020 rose over 15% to 828.7 versus 715.2 in 2019. The same statistic in 2000 was 872.0, then touted as a “record low.”


I have been a broken record in saying that there are a lot of people in the US who are alive today due to the wonderful health care system that we enjoy. I am one. My grandfather died at age 50 from a condition that sounded very much like my hypercardiomyopathy (HCM). The diagnosis was never made, if it had, they could not have done anything about it anyway because open-heart surgery had not been invented in the 1920’s. Years ago, when people got sick, they died. Now, our lives have been prolonged (and the quality improved for many) by our doctors.

Think about that when you are confronted with critics of the system.

Well, that trajectory of improved longevity was interrupted by the virus. Yet we see headlines on the Internet daily using inflammatory descriptions: “[deaths] at a monstrous scale” (The Economist). The CDC isn’t sure whether it will be safe for us to get together with family for Christmas. Question: how about football games?

On the other hand, the news is misleading in other ways: a paper in Australia reported that the deaths from the vaccine exceed deaths from COVID in Australia this year. Read the article, that means there were two deaths from the vaccine and one death from COVID. Oh, BTW, when we are talking about that monstrous scale of carnage, in Australia that means 915 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic. In a country of 25 million.

Meanwhile, the economy that was perking along at a record pace two years ago has been seriously harmed by a President who, to be fair, does not issue mean tweets. Right now, there is a real food shortage and inflation is nearing the rate of the Jimmy Carter days. Remember those? Obama was right, we should never underestimate the ability of Joe Biden to mess things up.

I’ll let someone else determine why all the hype, but it makes you suspicious, doesn’t it?

Tuesday, September 21, 2021


Here is the url:

Residents in AOC's district say how much they think the rich pay in taxes (

As you might expect, those voters have been brainwashed by people such as AOC and Bernie telling them that they should support socialism because they are victims.

Also, as you might expect, their opinions about taxes are FAR wrong. Read to the end of the article.

If fact checkers are checking facts, shouldn't they fact check Ol' Joe and his minions who want to "tax the rich?"

Friday, September 3, 2021


 Joe Biden finished 75th out of his law school class of 85 at Syracuse University. That law school ranks 102nd or 64th out of 180 depending on who you talk to. Pretty mediocre, whatever.

Joe flunked a class for plagiarism. He keeps lying and cheating to this day.

Forrest Gump would say, "He is not a smart man."

A chronic liar.

But he does not send mean tweets. Thank goodness.

What an embarrassment.

But he has become a very, very rich man through his 46 years in office.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021


 Apparently, the same people managed the search for a new host of "Jeopardy" as managed the troop withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Thursday, August 19, 2021



 The news about impending inflation has been convincing, but recently, it is overwhelming:

·         Food stamp payments have been increased by 25%, effective October

o   About 42 million people in the US get food stamps

o   A family of four will now get $628 per month

·         Over 2,700 homes in Austin, TX have sold for more than $100,000 above asking price this year, up to August 11.

o   I thought the price was $400,000?

o   Nope, it’s over $500,000.

·         The last increase in Social Security payments for 55 million older Americans was 1.3% or about $20 per month.

The list goes on, and since January of 2021 when the current administration took office, a consumer cannot but notice the price of gas, food and just about anything. Consumer prices in June and July went up 5.4% over last year.

The President says it is temporary. (see his statement on July 19, 2021). He also cancelled the pipeline from Canada on his first day in office and last week asked OPEC to increase production. Hmmmm.

How do you protect yourself and your family? First, wages are not going up that fast. If you are retired, it is tough. The best thing you can do is own property worth about $10 million, but the Biden administration has promised to tax that heavily when you die, so, “temporary.”

I dunno, it’s an issue.

Thursday, August 5, 2021



That’s my idea of “infrastructure,” but apparently the politicians view it differently. For example, on page 508 of the bipartisan “Infrastructure” Bill to be voted on later this week is a provision to implement a new tax on the miles you drive in your car or truck. 

Remember when the gas tax in Missouri was raised in the early 2000s? Popular, despite the dig into the pockets of most active people. The roads in Missouri were terrible, example I-70 from Kansas City to St. Louis, and the bridges were the worst in the nation. What did the DOT do?


Depend on the driving tax to become permanent and to further boost inflation.

Saturday, April 17, 2021


WARNING: THIS IS VERY FAMILY ORIENTED, probably pretty boring for others.

I have been meaning to write about Oliver Miller for a long time in the spirit in which I started this blog—to provide some insight into my life, especially as that life was different or unique in terms of today. Everyone’s life is unique when the people they touch are taken into account, and Oliver was one of those unique influences to me.

Oliver’s wife, Jenny was my paternal grandfather’s younger sister. An attractive, energetic and pleasant woman who raised two daughters, Carol who lived in Valentine and Doris who married Ralph Ekwall. Doris was a character, actually she suffered from some emotional illnesses over the years, owned racehorses and her husband, Ralph, was a genuine gentleman. The “attractive” reference is significant. Looking back at those old pictures, we are not a family that made it on looks. The current Emma is a beautiful girl (see below) but definitely an outlier.

Oliver was, by any measure, a highly-talented man in various realms involving things mechanical. He was a mechanic by trade in St. Edward before he took a job with Loup River Power, the Depression Era project that built a canal and a hydro plant to serve the Columbus area. A great photographer, he set up his own dark room in his basement along with a fairly sophisticated shop where he would purchase a gun barrel and then manufacture the rest of the parts for a rifle. That basement had a unique, to me, smell. They had natural gas in Columbus, and they had gas appliances (furnace? Water heater?). The smell was new to me, it was only years later that I learned the compound responsible was ethyl mercaptan used as the odorant in natural gas.

He was responsible, despite only an eighth-grade education, for developing and fabricating many of the dredge parts that were used to remove the sand from the settling basins at the Loup Headgates where the Canal started. The Loup River descended out of the Sandhills at a strong current and carried a lot of sand. Before it could be slowed and diverted via the canal, the sand had to be minimized so that the canal would not fill with silt immediately; ergo, huge sand piles.

Just in the last 20 years, nearly a century after the canal was conceived, the sand has become quite valuable and is being loaded and shipped around the country for various purposes including glass and other industrial products and sand for the oil frac process.

Mentioning my paternal grandfather, Homer’s siblings, his oldest sister was named Emma. That first name has become pretty common in the family, my grandniece/god daughter is Emma and she was born on November 5, 1999, the same day my paternal grandmother, Emma, was born in 1886. Now, gets a bit tricky: my grandmother’s maiden name was Emma Martenson, and when she married, she became Emma Peterson. Homer’s sister was Emma Peterson and when she married, she became Emma Martenson. (The spellings may be different, they were pretty cavalier about that back in the day. The current relatives in Sweden spell it MÃ¥rtensson). Well, that got off track.

Come holidays, Jenny would cook and Oliver would hold court. He knew a lot of stuff, was very well read and the discussions were fascinating covering topics from aviation to guns to his favorite, automobiles. It was the dawn of the jet age in aviation, so I learned the basic principles of a ram jet engine, and it was a time of rapid development in the auto industry. I have no idea how much of my education came from those discussions, but it had to be a lot. I remember in particular a discussion about the basic principles of a diesel engine, a topic I reviewed with my brother when he was in high school, so I was no older than 11.

We always had to cut the day short in those holiday visits as we had to get home to milk. Sixty-five years later, I can vividly remember that house, the people and the discussions.

Friday, April 9, 2021


The Masters will always be connected for me to the Fosbury Flop, the high jump technique developed by Dick Fosbury that revolutionized the high jump in the 1968 Mexico City Olympics.

We had Masters tickets, took customers and, since I was busy and couldn't get there except for a short time, I caught a ride to Augusta with Jon Winkel, (sp) who was second in command of the Long Lines business and Chuck Long's varied interests. 

Conversations can take odd turns, and somehow we arrived at the topic of how Jon went to the national finals in the high school high jump. He placed second. To Dick Fosbury. The flop is used universally now, and it is reasonable due to the fact that the body's center of gravity is always below the bar if done correctly.

We watched the Masters, and if you ever have a chance to go, it is different than any other golf tournament I have experienced. Go if you get a chance.

BTW, that 1968 Olympics was where Bob Beaman broke the long jump record by TWO FEET. A sport where the record had advanced by 7 inches over the previous 19 years and his record still stands as an Olympic record. 

I'll borrow a phrase from Ilhan about other things there--some other guys did some stuff.

Thursday, April 1, 2021


Kansas City finished first in the Cactus League, spring training. They won two-thirds of their games.

Shall we translate that into regular season success? Dunno. They start with a home game today, April 1, in Kansas City against Texas.

We'll see whether you will be bombarded by baseball stuff this year.

Saturday, February 20, 2021


Well, that weather stuff got out of hand, didn't it? Cold, freezing rain, power outages, water main breaks causing boil orders, no internet, no gasoline and shortages in the stores.

Texans bounced back. The boil order was lifted this morning (Saturday, a week later) and there are no significant power outages. Let the finger-pointing begin.

My opinion, that's what this blog is about, right?, is that the power issue goes back to Three Mile Island. In writing to Jerry this morning, it dawned on me that it happened in 1979, right at the beginning of the 24-hour news cycle. They jumped on that wagon. The longitudinal health effects study was discontinued after it was discovered there were no health problems caused by TMI. Likewise, the lawsuit was thrown out of court in Harrisburg, PA. Meanwhile, the American nuclear industry died. We are so far behind France and Japan that it may take forever to catch up.

Another meanwhile--Germany is negotiating with France to get some of its (France's) nuclear-generated power because their solar panels are coated with snow. The US Navy has been operating nuclear-powered vessels for 60 years without a nuclear accident although the Soviets have had plenty.

C'mon man, to quote our linguistically and cognitively challenged President. Are we such sissies about a bit of cold weather? A term that we have been throwing around a lot, "first world problems."

Let's launch off into the land of energy managed by politicians. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Monday, February 15, 2021


It is midnight in Corpus Christi, Texas where we have had the most ideal weather you could ask for over the last couple of months, but right now it is 25 degrees with a north wind of 25 miles per hour (25 squared?) and rain, freezing rain and snow.

OK, not much snow, not the kind of wind and cold we had in Nebraska/Iowa/South Dakota, but a miserable night for man or beast.

Here's the rest of the news--it isn't going to get any better for a while. We are pretty spoiled in the winter down here, it will be cold until next weekend when we are expected to be back to low 70's. 

Yep, Corpus Christi is pretty miserable from the heat for a lot of months, but the winter is good.

Other places:

Lone Tree, CO negative 6

Dakota Dunes, SD negative 15 (headed for negative 24 by morning)

Omaha, negative 11 pretty steady the rest of the night (Note the difference 90 miles makes!)

St. Edward, NE negative 14, headed for negative 22, light wind.

Prescott, AZ 32 degrees, no more snow, light winds.

Neptune City, NJ 35 with wind from the north at 10 and rain.

Fredericksburg, TX 6 degrees, snow (1 to 4 inches) northwest wind of 10. Bundle up our elephants!

Yep, it's winter in the US of A.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021


The New York Times has published an analysis that “proves” that Democratic presidents are better because “Virtually any reasonable look at the data shows a big Democratic advantage.” They base this on data around the GDP and jobs.

Not surprisingly, Trump is at the bottom of the list of 14 presidents dating back to Roosevelt, it is the NYT after all. The one that caught my eye, however, was Carter. Jimmy Carter was president from 1977 to 1981 and he is touted by the NYT as number 6 on the list of 14, surpassed by only one Republican, Reagan, and well ahead of Eisenhower at number 9. Well, I lived through those times, and I want to assure you that Carter deserved a one-term presidency. Interest rates at 20% plus, hyper-inflation (think of what those two do to your “data”) plus the Iran hostage situation with military failures.

There is a value to statistics, but when evaluating Presidents, a simplistic approach such as this is nearly criminal. No, Roosevelt’s “reign” wasn’t the greatest ever, it was a mixed bag of a horrible, long Depression, 1939 was 6 years into his terms and the country was worse than ever. Without World War II, no telling what his Presidency would be remembered for. How about his promise that Social Security payments would “never” be taxed?

Another slanted, biased and untrue “analysis” from the NYT. 

Wait until future historians assess the huge deficits piling up now. There are only three ways to deal with that—push the deficits onto future generations and hope that the Fed has the power to control interest rates; increase productivity in the economy which the US has done quite nicely; and, inflation. Which one will it be?

Thursday, January 28, 2021


Claudine Longet was a mediocre French pop singer married to Andy Williams, a TV and recording personality for many years and then divorced. All this happened before 1975, the era of ridiculously “soft” love songs and she fit right in, bossa nova and such. Details because this happened when my kids were either very young or not born. And the name is "lon jay".

After her divorce, she shot and killed America’s most famous skier, “Spider” Sabich. She was convicted of a watered-down charge and now lives at the age of 78 in Las Vegas.

I was a fan of Saturday Night Live in the 1970’s, not at all now. One of the 1976 skits I thought was hilarious then and still do now was banned later. It showed stock footage of skiers falling overdubbed with gunshots. The skit was titled “The Claudine Longet Invitational.”

So sue me for having a bad sense of humor.