Friday, April 9, 2021


The Masters will always be connected for me to the Fosbury Flop, the high jump technique developed by Dick Fosbury that revolutionized the high jump in the 1968 Mexico City Olympics.

We had Masters tickets, took customers and, since I was busy and couldn't get there except for a short time, I caught a ride to Augusta with Jon Winkel, (sp) who was second in command of the Long Lines business and Chuck Long's varied interests. 

Conversations can take odd turns, and somehow we arrived at the topic of how Jon went to the national finals in the high school high jump. He placed second. To Dick Fosbury. The flop is used universally now, and it is reasonable due to the fact that the body's center of gravity is always below the bar if done correctly.

We watched the Masters, and if you ever have a chance to go, it is different than any other golf tournament I have experienced. Go if you get a chance.

BTW, that 1968 Olympics was where Bob Beaman broke the long jump record by TWO FEET. A sport where the record had advanced by 7 inches over the previous 19 years and his record still stands as an Olympic record. 

I'll borrow a phrase from Ilhan about other things there--some other guys did some stuff.

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